Sunday, November 13, 2011

Scrabble Wars

You’d think that someone who minored in E-N-G-L-I-S-H, who reads more than anyone else I know, and who is the “Writer” part of “A Reader and a Writer” would like word games. Not so. Dave very much dislikes S-C-R-A-B-B-L-E. This is a problem because I L-O-V-E it.
Over for course of the past few W-E-E-K-S Dave has taken pity on me since because of his long absences from home I can officially declare myself a law-school W-I-D-O-W. His mercy has extended so far that he and I P-L-A-Y this beloved game at least once a week now.
The only P-R-O-B-L-E-M is that I never W-I-N! Dave almost always annihilates me! Last night his winning word was W-E-E-V-I-L-S. Weevils? Seriously?!
I’ve started to catch on to his T-R-I-C-K-S. He maximizes on word endings “ed, ing, s, etc” and looks to play only on Double word or triple letter spaces. And why is it that I seem to always get a row of tiles with only V-O-W-E-L-S?
These are the woes of a scrabble solider.
But I will N-O-T give up.
We’ve come up with a pretty ingenious C-O-M-P-R-O-M-I-S-E: we now play scrabble when we watch football. It’s a plan that makes both of us H-A-P-P-Y.

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