Sunday, November 6, 2011

My tribute to the NBA playoffs-May 10, 2011

Love Ode From A Power Forward

-Dave Heywood

They say love is like roses and

Daisies and the smell of rain

On a spring day in El Paso Texas

But it’s not.

My love is boxing out with a forearm check

Moses Malone hits the deck

I escape without a tech,

Just a flagrant foul, but what the heck

That’s no sweat off of my thick neck

Baby—my loves like that

I want to see

You and me

Three in the key


I hope you realize

My heart is the size

Of Barkleys’ thighs

When I gaze in your eyes

And say,


I love you.”

But you never cared for me


I took a shot, 15 footer, wide open, soft and delicate, gave it my all

But you stuffed me like a Thanksgiving Turkey; “get that weak stuff outta here” you said,


in that fake way, like a team mascot on stilts, ready to fall—

But don’t worry, Baby.
The world still turns round

And I

Am on

The rebound

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