Monday, March 12, 2012

Panda, NJ, and Bob

Dave and I went to Panda Express of couple of weeks ago. We like Panda Express for quick Chinese for three reasons:

1. Orange Chicken is SO good.
2. We can order one meal with 3 entrees and split it for a dinner date of $6.99
3. I get to have my fortune told to me by a delicious cookie

But this post-believe it or not-is NOT about Panda Express. It’s about how I was inspired by a fortune cookie I unwrapped at Panda Express. See below:

I keep this fortune taped to the bottom of my computer screen at work. It’s a good reminder of what I hope to be, which got me thinking. My mission president in New Jersey believed in the power of positive affirmations. At the beginning of each transfer we had to write a list of 5-10 positive things about ourselves. These things didn’t necessarily have to be true at that moment, but the thought was that by saying them out loud every day (as part of companion study) these things would take hold in our brains and our subconscious actions would make them BECOME true.

So, in honor of Panda Express and my Mission President, I have written a handful of affirmations that perfectly illustrate my life at this moment-at least what I am working toward.

“I am productive and creative with my free time at work”
“I enjoy doing the dishes”
“I am finishing ‘The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet’ by the end of March”
“I tell my husband WHY I love him every day”
“I face the future with confidence and peace”
“I take joy in the little things in life”

In the words of
Dr. Leo Marvin, “Baby Steps”


  1. Speaking of affirmations, you should watch this when you have a second:

    I tried this a couple of times. It made me happy!

  2. Great idea. I keep finding flaws in myself that need a heap of positive work.

  3. Your so great! I loved the P.A.'s we used to do! Hope to see you at the reunion!

  4. Okay, my love of panda express is no secret. BUT, their fortune cookies always disappointed me because I felt like telling me I'm lovely is first of all, a bit of a lie, and second of all, not really a fortune. However, now I see that they are positive, hopeful affirmations my opinion is changed! They are totally fortunes! Love it.
