Monday, February 27, 2012


I am getting more than a little tired to looking at my super bowl commercial post. I keep hoping the blog with magically update itself with interesting stories from our lives. Of course, that would require that we actually lived interesting stories. Right now life is pretty routine. I go to work. Dave goes to school. In an effort to keep myself from stabbing my eyes out with my ball point pen at work I decided to try something new today. Dave and I talk a lot about keeping our lives in balance-something we are both desperately working on. I would make a list of 5 categories I want to balance and set at least one daily goal of how I can accomplish each one. I tried to make most of them things I could accomplish AT work. Here was today's list:

February 27, 2012
-write in journal for 30 min
-write positive affirmations

-Bundle up and take a walk
-Find a good workout plan that I LOVE and am excited about
-Do Yoga

-Read in BOM

-Reveiw Cobblestone topics for potential magazine article
-Read 2 articles in online newspaper

-Figure out how to better befriend ______ _________
-Email a friend
-Email Celeste Peterson (Yes Celeste this is a shout out to you. Hopefully I'll get you that email soon!)

I did NONE of these things today (yet)*

Instead this is what I accomplished at work (besides my actual work):

Angry Birds
Email Dave (does NOT count as a social goal)
Text some family members (also does not count as being social)
Eat the treats at my desk
Bang my head on my desk
Walk all the way down to the warehouse where they have the filtered water, to fill up water bottle 2X
Text Dave and ask him why he isn't playing wordfued with me?
Download "Jane Eyre" onto my iphone for free

I guess today just wasn't my day....

*I lied, we did have FHE tonight.


  1. I always hope my blog will magically update itself too :)

  2. And . . .you updated your blog! Was that on the list? Hope today goes well? See you tonight?

  3. I loved talking to you which I hope kept you from pounding your head on the desk a few extra times. (careful sweetie, I went to a lot of work to help you grow those brain cells:) Better luck today OR just call me again!

  4. Stop, I'm so touched! Even if you never email me, I am forever flattered that you ever meant to. Plus, I vote that downloading Jane Eyre is a step toward intellectual and emotional outlet that you could count as a retroactive goal.
