Sunday, December 18, 2011


Someone once said, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”.

That person didn’t have what Dave and I had for dinner tonight.

After what had seemed like hours of perusing all our recipe books I told Dave that I had had enough!

(This type of decision-making process is not limited to creating a menu. Sometimes we will surf Netflix for an hour or more on our weekend evenings in attempts to select the very best movie. To Dave this approach is in line with “the finer things of life”, to me it’s maddening)

In an effort to move things along (and because I know Dave can’t turn down a challenge) I declared that tonight was “Chopped Night”.

(Chopped is a Food Network TV show we occasionally watch where contestants have to create a dish out of ingredients given to them in a basket in a certain amount of time)

I told Dave he could use anything we had in the house but he couldn’t look at any recipe books and dinner had to be completed in an hour.

Now, all of you who think that I just sat idly by; watching him run, sweat, and pull his hair out, well… you would be right.

Looking back, oh how I wish I had stepped in and saved him. Oh how I wish I would have said something. Oh how I wish I had pictures!

Dave’s final dish had three items: Chicken, sauce, and rice.

He’s a pro at making rice.

The chicken held promise. But I became more and more concerned as the list on ingredients grew:

AMPLE amount of Lemon Juice
Lime Juice
Sprinkled with Parmesan cheese

Dave has never been one to be burdened by measuring. So all ingredients were thrown in a glass baking dish haphazardly.

Although the chicken had me concerned, it was the homemade sauce that really struck fear into my heart:

Cream of Chicken Soup
AMPLE amounts of Lemon juice
Lime Juice
Corn Starch
Buffalo wing sauce…
Maple Syrup…

Before it all came out of the oven Dave hung his head and pronounced himself- CHOPPED.

All I can say is that Dave makes one great batch of rice.


  1. HAHAHA. This cracks me up! At least he knows how to make rice!

  2. That is such a FUNNY story!! At least you gave it a try. You are braver than I am!

  3. I love this Liz! I'm going to try it soon with your next complaining sibling! Stay tuned. ps your hubby is a GREAT sport!

  4. I could NOT stop laughing at this! Made my day! Thank you Liz for sharing. I would be terrified to have a chopped night but I am tempted now just to see . . .

  5. This is fabulous! I had never heard of Chopped ~ but we did our own version of it for mutual a few years ago. Each girl was asked to bring an ingredient. The only 2 stipulations were 1) no dairy and 2) no gluten ~ to meet the needs of those attending. It was fun to see the variety of the ingredients, and the creativity of the meal they created. (it was delicious aaand we succeeded on the dietary restrictions. Oh, and there was NO lemon juice...) Our premise was that at college, on missions, as newlyweds, or any other time, they may need to simply use whatever is in the house for dinner. Thank you for the practical application ~ and the laugh.
